showing 1 - 50 of 155 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartags
1942 Elite1986 1940s 194x-series 20thcentury aeroplane aircraft-p38-lightning fighteraircraft instantdeath lives militantprotagonist propellerplane score scrollingshooter worldwar2 labelimagesubject
1943: One Year After ('43: One Year After;1943) American Action;Action Software (Greve Graphics)1987 1940s 20thcentury aerodyne aeroplane instantdeath lives score scrollingshooter waves worldwar2 labelimageminimize
Agent Orange Argus Press Software1987 instantdeath lives otherworld rural score labelimageminimize
Airwolf Elite;Entertainment & Computer Products (Elite)1985 aerodyne caveflying helicopter instantdeath rescue rotorcraft score subterranean tvseries labelimageminimize
Airwolf II Elite1987 aerodyne alieninvasion helicopter instantdeath lives progressleft rotorcraft score scrollingshooter tvseries labelimageminimize
Alien Attack (Spy Attack) Wicked Software1987 aliens fixedshooter instantdeath lives score labelimageminimize
Anarchy (Anarchy Prof. 1;Quadrax;Stratego) Hewson1987 arenashooter instantdeath lives otherworld tank timelimit labelimageminimize
Arcadia 64 Imagine1983 fixedshooter instantdeath lives platformreference score labelimageminimize
Atom Ant Hi-Tec Software (Twilight)1990 anthroprotagonist ants cartoon claiming flying hannabarbera insectprotagonist instantdeath lives platformer score timelimit labelimageminimize
Auf Wiedersehen Monty Gremlin Graphics1987 anthroprotagonist deadlywater escape harmfultouch instantdeath ladders lives montymole nofalldamage platformer score walking labelimageminimize
Auriga Players1986 instantdeath lives score waves labelimageminimize
Automan Bug-Byte1985 instantdeath lives platformer score tvseries labelimageminimize
Automania (Auto Mania;Manic Mechanic) Mikro-Gen1984 falldamage instantdeath lives score wallyweek labelimageminimize
Battle of the World (Battle of the War) author1989 instantdeath lives score labelimageminimize
Bear Bovver Artic Computing (Snelsoft)1984 anthroprotagonist instantdeath ladders lives platformer ursines labelimageminimize
Beyond the Ice Palace (Yone) Elite1988 instantdeath ladders lives monsters nofalldamage score thrownweapons walking labelimagesubject
Bionic Granny Mastertronic1984 elderlyprotagonist instantdeath lives score labelimageminimize
Blagger Alligata1983 claiming falldamage hard humanprotagonist instantdeath jumping lives outlawprotagonist outlaws score timelimit walking labelimageminimize
Blast'em CP Verlage1989 instantdeath lives magazinecover score labelimageminimize
Blue Thunder Richard Wilcox Software1984 fuel helicopter instantdeath lives movie rescue score scrollingshooter labelimageminimize
Bomb Jack (Attenti Bombe!;Bombjack;Hit Pak 5) Elite;Encore;Entertainment & Computer Products (Elite)1986 5.25disk bombjack cassette claiming harmfultouch instantdeath joystick lives score superjump labelimagesubject
Bomb Runner Markt & Technik1986 claiming instantdeath lives magazinecover robots score superjump labelimageminimize
Bongo Anirog;Kingsoft1984 anthroprotagonist claiming instantdeath ladders lives mouseprotagonist score labelimageminimize
Bonzo Audiogenic1984 cassette commercial harmfultouch instantdeath joystick keyboard ladders license-proprietary lives monsters score speechbubbles walking labelimageminimize
Booty Firebird1984 claiming falldamage instantdeath keys ladders lives pirates score walking labelimageminimize
Bouncer (Charlie's House) Mastertronic;Codemasters1984 instantdeath lives score labelimageminimize
Breakthru U.S. Gold;Data East1987 instantdeath lives score scrollingshooter labelimagesubject
Burger Time '97 Loadstar1997 burgertime food-theme instantdeath ladders lives score walking labelimageminimize
Camelot Warriors Ariolasoft (Opera Soft)1987 arthurianmyth instantdeath lives medieval nofalldamage walking labelimageminimize
Caverns of Death (Planet of Death) Tronic Verlag1985 caveflying instantdeath lives subterranean timelimit labelimageminimize
Centropods Rabbit Software (Comm*Data)1983 cassette centipedelike commercial instantdeath joystick license-proprietary lives score labelimageminimize
Chicago 30's (Chicago's 30) Topo Soft;U.S. Gold (Topo Soft)1989 1930s 20thcentury city-chicago-il firearms gangsters instantdeath outlaws prohibitionera runandgun labelimageminimize
Chubby Gristle Grandslam (Teque)1988 elevators harmfultouch instantdeath ladders lives platformer score walking labelimageminimize
Chuckie Egg A&F Software1984 birds claiming instantdeath ladders lives platformer score timelimit labelimageminimize
Chuckie Egg 2 A&F Software1985 falldamage instantdeath ladders lives score walking labelimageminimize
Commando (Space Invasion) Elite;Entertainment & Computer Products (Elite)1985 bpjmindexed censored firearms grenades instantdeath lives militantprotagonist runandgun score labelimageminimize
Crystal Castles Thundervision1985 anthroprotagonist claiming instantdeath lives score ursineprotagonist uvl-confusable walking labelimageminimize
Crystal Castles U.S. Gold1986 anthroprotagonist claiming instantdeath lives score ursineprotagonist uvl-confusable walking labelimageminimize
Cyclons (Enniaxx) Rabbit Software (Syntax Software)1983 instantdeath lives score labelimageminimize
Dalto Systems Editoriale1988 instantdeath lives labelimageminimize
Dead or Alive Alternative Software1987 gunslingers instantdeath lives score western labelimageminimize
Deliverance The Power House1987 did instantdeath lives nofalldamage platformer rescue robotprotagonist robots score labelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Ocean1986 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score uvl-confusable walking labelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Atari1983 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score uvl-confusable walking labelimageminimize
Donkey Kong Junior author2014 cartoon deadlywater falldamage free2play instantdeath jumppads ladders lives mario mario-universe primateprotagonist rescue score labelminimizeminimize
Elevator Action Quicksilva1987 elevators instantdeath lives score specialagentprotagonist walking labelimageminimize
Enjoy! (Seuck 1) ?19?? instantdeath lives scrollingshooter labelimageminimize
Enter the Ninja Mastertronic1987 instantdeath lives ninja score throwingstars thrownweapons labelimageminimize
Escape S+S Soft Vertriebs198? claiming instantdeath lives score timelimit labelimageminimize
Escape Quicksilva1984 1life dinosaurs escape instantdeath labelimageminimize
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